From Snowboarder to Developer


If you would have told me 4 years ago that I would be going back to school  to become a developer I would have laughed. Not because a younger, more naive Logan thought coding was silly, or only for really really smart people (although I am easily amazed by developers and sometimes I feel the latter to be true)… I was just way too caught up in the excitement of working in the skateboard / snowboard industry.  It was tough enough for fresh university grad with an Art’s degree to find a job serving tables, let alone work in an industry they have always loved. Not to mention I got the chance to  become good friends with some of the most talent snowboarders  in the world, all while making decent money and still getting to riding a snowboard 4 times a week.  Needless to say, my only focus back then was on the moment; but like every moment, it passed by quickly.

I slowly understood that my current life had  had two major barriers in its future.  1) I am a Canadian and 90% of the action sports industry jobs are located in America and 2) regardless of the industry, denying the fact that you long to do creative work for a living will never lead to happiness.

After putting the action sports world behind me, I had a stretch of taking jobs I was not overly excited about ( for the sake of making money). After getting fed up with spending my best energy building other peoples dreams,   I have finally decided to do something for myself. Something that provides me with everything I am looking for: autonomy, creativity and the ability to physically build the long list of ideas l have stuck in my head.

Starting April 14th I will be attending HackerYou‘s  full-time Front-End Development bootcamp.  In a 9 week period,  I will be learning the in’s and out’s of HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, jQuery,  API’s, WordPress Development and design theory.  I hope to transform my future from being someone who worked adjacently with creative & tech departments (and was always envious of their amazing skills), to being a full-time savvy creative.

Follow me as a start my journey to becoming a professional Front-End Developer. There will be successes, failures, stresses, high-fives and hopefully some insight for anyone out there considering development  as a career path.  Happy coding!